The Fear may be the worst thing in the world if only increases than its limited. The person who scared of any thing too much more than the normal might be destroy his life by his hand because he made his life more difficult more complicated than it was. And in the end he finds himself can't do anything because of his fear even he can't go out from his home because he is afraid of something harm him. So he should decreases his fear not just him only, but all of us should decrease our fear. In the fact I can't tell any one not afraid because many things happened in this world made us afraid such as the wars, the crimes, etc, but we should decrease these fears to can live a healthy life or can live in this life. I know this is difficult, but not impossible, we can do it. The person who scared he is in safety This sentence is very common between people especially in Egypt but when we looked at this sentence we found that it is not always real or in another meaning we ca...
مدونة ينمو المجتمع هى مدونة ثقافيه تهتم بالنهوض بالعلم الملموس في حياتنا الذى يساعد الأسرة بكل أفرادها، ومن ثم المجتمع لكى ينمو ويتطور.