التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

The Fear

The Fear may be the worst thing in the world if only increases than its limited.
The person who scared of any thing too much more than the normal might be destroy his life by his hand because he made his life more difficult more complicated than it was. And in the end he finds himself can't do anything because of his fear even he can't go out from his home because he is afraid of something harm him. So he should decreases his fear not just him only, but all of us should decrease our fear. In the fact I can't tell any one not afraid because many things happened in this world made us afraid such as the wars, the crimes, etc, but we should decrease these fears to can live a healthy life or can live in this life. I know this is difficult, but not impossible, we can do it.

The person who scared he is in safety
This sentence is very common between people especially in Egypt but when we looked at this sentence we found that it is not always real or in another meaning we can't use it without limits, example: we should afraid of thieves so we have to take care when we walk in the streets we shouldn't wear gold, also don't hold much money in empty and dark streets also take care when we walk not walk like the blind. Then in this example we saw that the fear useful in this situation because if you won't afraid of thieves, then you don't take care then you might attack from thieves.

Therefore, the fear in this case called a caution, actually this what I want to say, you are supposed to have a caution to protect your self from any thing bad But if this caution increased turned into fear and much fear destroy the life of the person.

Fear patient
Some people said that "fear is normal in the life even if it increases too much "and also they asked that" how it destroys the life?" I tell you how? When fearing increases without limits, the people will be injured by disease called" fear patient". This disease makes the person under it control means the person won't think normally because he is afraid of anything, he is under fear's control so he can't face anything such as in the last example when we talk a bout thieves ,the person who under fear control can't face this situation because he is very scary, then he can't do like natural person walk in the street and take care so person's fear prevents him to walk in the street like people , also he will be afraid even if he inside his home because he will afraid of thieves to attack him inside his home.

And the end of the person who has fear patient two choices: die from fear or bed in the Psychiatric hospital.

Parent's fears
This is another kind of fear, but it's very important and here we will see one face of many faces of fear patient. Actually it is very normal when parent's fear for their kids, but when their fears increase too much they will harm their kids example when parents prevent their kids' from going to club to play with their friends or prevents them from travelling to a nice trip or from work because they afraid of any bad thing harm them this will affects at them and will not stand that, also by the time will feel boring, sad, finally they will see the life very bad, difficult and complicated.

Parents think that they protect their children by this way, but in the real they harm them without them feeling.

We know that life full of dangers, but we should teach our children how to protect them selves from dangers and how to face it also not make them afraid of anything, don't make your children coward.

Finally there are many examples of fears which destroy the person under its control, we should take care from that by not increase the fear and made it in a small limited means use caution to take care from your self not fear patient and harm yourself. Take care always because you might destroy your life by your own hand


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